As promised in our opening dialog,  we proudly present another chapter of  “The Grappa Girls”

Christmas 2003 – Grappa Girls Gone Wild

First, a little history.  Our friends Mark & Nannette have held an annual Christmas Party for well over 25 years.  Friends, neighbors, co-workers,
employees, all are invited to a wonderful open house filled with good food, good drinks, and great companionship (well, except for Wally).  Anyway, this
evening would prove to be quite memorable as it turned out – an evening we fondly think of as Grappa Girls Gone Wild!!

Now, this was totally spontaneous, not planned at all – unless of course you count the 3 bottles of Grappa that we brought to the party.  This evening there
must have been at least 50 people in and out at any given time.  We 6 somehow managed to find a place at the dinning room table.  Now, 6 seats at the
dinning room table (all together I might add) is something of an accomplishment in and of itself,  as this is PRIME party territory – usually reserved for
those who arrive early and have trouble standing for long periods of time. Think of it as a small apartment at Trump Towers – hard to get in to and
someone has to die before it becomes vacant again.  Anyway… It started innocently enough, as most of life’s adventures do, but quickly escalated into a
boisterous, raucous evening – the laughter and noise level directly commensurate with the amount of Grappa consumed.  We toasted everything we could
think of and downed the shot glasses every 20 minutes or so. Although it has sadly come to our attention that, truth be told, some of the precious liquid
went into a nearby ficus tree, poured in by two Grappa Girlfriends who shall remain nameless.  It is our fervent hope that the plant was indeed plastic   We
also brazenly invited ourselves to a weekend at Nancy’s summer home (which we will chronicle in yet another soon to be written chapter of our fascinating

Now, to the best of my recollection as Queen, that evening there was one “Grappa Girl wanna be” who shall remain nameless, mostly because none of us
had a clue who she was, nor did we care, who proceeded to consume almost one entire bottle of Lemon Grappa. This was a hostess gift brought by our
good friend Denise for the Grappa Girls to sample.  Well, suffice it to say, we do NOT have a 7th Grappa Girl (groupies can be such a bother)  so we had
to make do with several other varieties – none of which can be recounted at this time.

I digress……….somehow  during the evening our comrade and loyal Grappa girlfriend Sue, discovered the “F” word and used it with reckless abandon,
mostly directed at her husband of 27 years.   Now, I doubt that any of us had ever heard Sue use the “F” word before in the 30 years we have known
her, but that evening the floodgates opened and the “F” word rained down upon all who were within earshot.   Amazingly, she found a way to use it in just
about every aspect of the English language; i.e. a verb, noun, pronoun, adjective & adverb.  Quite brilliant actually – we are still impressed to this day.

After several hours at the dinning room table, and almost 3 empty bottles of Grappa later, the evening came to an end.  Funny thing about Grappa, while
you are sitting down drinking & laughing you feel pretty damn terrific; standing, however, is a completely different matter.  Also, at least in my case,
afterward you can no longer see – Grappa Girl blindness, I believe.  

The ride home for us all that evening was an adventure.  Poor Rosemary barely made it out the front door before everything that had been consumed for
the past 3 hours suddenly appeared all over the front lawn.  Trust me on this one – if you ever come across a really good deal on a leather jacket at a tag
sale in Wallingford – pass on it.  Sue, you remember the “F” word queen of the evening, was driven home with all windows open (it was around zero that
night) and as quickly as possible, lest the same fate that befell our poor Rosemary was also visited upon Suze.

Nannette, our hostess, did something she had never done before in 25 years of party giving – she went to bed without cleaning up the mess.  (Thank God
for daughters – as hers took charge).  I understand that the next morning when she awoke she was ready to shop the mall – which she did.

Denise – felt great – made the evening worthwhile for her husband, but unfortunately missed yoga the next morning.  Hey – wadda ya want -  we’re 50
you know!

Nancy R slept it off until around 2:00 pm the next day – and was heard to keep saying – “for the love of God, please just one more hour” from around 10:
00 am on.  

I, myself, as mentioned above suffered Grappa Girl blindness until the next morning when I awoke a much wiser Queen……in other words…..NEVER

Stay tuned for more Grappa Girl adventures in paradise.  And remember………

Grappa Girls Choose to be Happy!!

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