A story inspired by Miss Debra)

This Grappa Girl road trip started out as so many do, a car full of carefully coiffed women
dressed to the hilt.  But this trip was different, Lynn made her debut.  As we started out for
parts unknown (aka New Jersey) a strange voice emanated from the dashboard of our
Rosemary’s Mercedes.  Turn right she said onto I-91 South.  We dutifully obeyed.  As we
continued the journey the dreaded words “recalculating” became part of our vocabulary, but
we followed the voice of Lynn like a siren’s call to the sailors of yore.  Lynn brought us to
neighborhoods and villages unknown to the Grappa Girls – far and wide across 3 states we
journeyed.  What could possibly be wrong we asked ourselves?  Why would Lynn take us on
such an out of the way route when we should have arrived hours earlier?  

The mystery was solved in front of a non-descript MacDonalds somewhere in the State of New
Jersey.  It seems our Lynn was not the virginal girl that we thought she was.  Someone had
put their hands on Lynn before us; the dashing Larry had been her first – not the Grappa
Girls.  Larry whispered sweet nothings into Lynn’s ear – shortest route, shortest route,
shortest route………   But Rosemary and the Grappa Girls were not to be toyed with.  Fastest
route was now the order of the day….Fastest route to Robyn’s house was now the
command…..and low and behold, just 1 short hour later we did arrive.  After an all too brief
visit we again hit the road.  

Oh NO!, “Recalculating” once again rang in our ears as we turned around, turned right, turned
left and waved hello to the sweatered gentleman raking leaves.  John, Robyn’s betrothed,
seeing our confusion frantically ran from front yard to back watching helplessly as the
Mercedes passed his home, each time from a different direction.

Finally, Lynn carefully guided us to our final destination, assuring us that the ride home would
be much quicker.  Taking comfort in Lynn’s words, a number of Appletinis were then
consumed and the Grappa Girls relaxed, rejoiced and renewed.

True to her word, the journey home was safe, quick and uneventful.  On a sour note, the
Mercedes, in a fit of jealousy, refused to start the next morning.  Lynn just smiled to herself –
secure in the knowledge that she was now Queen of the driveway.

This has been just one more chapter in the Grappa Girls “On the Road Again” series.

Stay tuned….and remember…..GRAPPA GIRLS CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY (and sometimes it ain’t